A-Z Resources

By Title or Subject
Data and Information for Advocacy

These resources provide information that is beneficial when communicating with elected officials about the state of oral health in the United States and the importance of addressing it.
FTCA Health Center Policy Manual

This page contains information useful in advocating for school based sealant programs, including research resources documenting their effectiveness.
FTCA for Health Centers

These resources are provided to assist safety-net oral health providers in advancing one of the ten great Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century as identified by the CDC.
NNOHA’s Mission:

To improve the oral health of underserved populations and contribute to overall health through leadership, advocacy, and support to oral health providers in safety-net systems.
NNOHA’s Values:

Oral health is integrated with primary care.
Evidence-based dental disease management models are in place.
Every Health Center has an oral health program.
Oral health providers have the information, education, skills, resources, and support they need to deliver efficient, high quality services.
We value collaboration with other entities as we pursue our vision.
Who We Are:

National Network for Oral Health Access envisions a future in which individuals and communities are aware of the importance of oral health to overall health, engage in recommended oral health practices, and receive affordable, high quality oral health services. Achieving this vision requires everyone to have access to care, regardless of income or geography.
Access is created by strengthening and expanding the nation’s oral health safety-net system.
NNOHA was founded in 1991 by a group of Dental Directors from Federally Qualified Community Health Centers who identified a need for peer-to-peer networking, collaboration, research and support in running effective oral health program. From those humble beginnings, NNOHA’s membership has grown to represent the full diversity of safety-net oral health providers and has become a leader in strengthening and supporting the oral health safety-net.
NNOHA provides resources and learning opportunities ranging from the Operations Manual that outlines the best approaches to running an efficient and effective practice, to the Annual Conference which provides both training and networking opportunities for participants.

IL PCA Oral Health Integration Toolkit
Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice – HRSA February 2014
Interdisciplinary Approaches for Improved Oral Health – by the AAPHD Council on Practice
Ohio Association of Community Health Centers Early Childhood Oral Health Implementation Guide
Smiles for Life Curriculum Integration Toolkit
The OHNEP Undergraduate Interprofessional Oral Health Faculty Tool Kit
Are you an oral health advocate?

Have you ever:
Encouraged a patient to do something to improve their oral health?
Told a friend or family member about why having access to oral health care is important for everyone?
Posted an article relating to oral health on your Facebook page?
Written an email to an elected official?
Spoken to a group, like a local rotary, about oral health or safety-net services?
NNOHA envisions a future in which everyone knows the importance of oral health and has access to care, but we cannot do that without you. You are the trusted expert in your community, and we are here to support you so you can both be a great practitioner and a great oral health advocate.
HIT White Paper – Guide to the Future Ver. 2: A Strategic Roadmap to Achieving Meaningful Use Objectives and Selecting an Integrated Electronic Dental Record (EDR)/Electronic Health Record (EHR) System to Improve Oral Health Access and Outcomes

This paper serves as a guide in the EDR-EHR selection process and meeting the Meaningful Use criteria, facilitating the Health Centers’ decision making process toward improved use of HIT.
Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services. NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Join & Renew
NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Workforce Innovation & Access to Care