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Resources | Access to Care | Integration

Promising Practice: Community Health Workers for Integrated Care Coordination

The Midwest Network for Oral Health Integration (MNOHI) and NNOHA partnered to develop this promising practice that shares how Crescent Care Community Health Center implemented community health workers to coordinate care for medical and dental integration.

Community Health Worker and Care Coordination Best Practices - MNOHI

The Midwest Network for Oral Health Integration (MNOHI) partnered with NNOHA to develop this publication which outlines best practices from community health centers that have implemented innovative care coordination strategies for medical and dental integration.

Updated User's Guide for the Interprofessional Core Clinical Competencies

This publication builds on the 2014 User's Guide for integrating oral health and primary care practice. The guide includes implementation strategies, examples, and health center promising practices for medical and dental integration.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Oral Health Core Clinical Competencies

NNOHA is working to measure the impact on oral health services when the medical team receives training in oral health core competencies.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Promising Practice: Improving Care Coordination and Health Outcomes for Diabetic Patients through Medical and Dental Integration

CommUnityCare in Texas shares how their organization implemented medical and dental integration through NNOHA Integration of Diabetes and Oral Health Learning Collaborative to help improve the health outcomes of patients with diabetes.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Promising Practice: Integrating Oral Health and Primary Care for Patients with Diabetes

This promising practice features Horizon Health Care, Inc. in South Dakota. This health center implemented a medical and dental integration program for patients with diabetes while participating in NNOHA's Integration of Diabetes and Oral Health Learning Collaborative.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Integration of Care to Improve Health Outcomes

Live Webinar: 7/27/21

Integrating oral health, primary care, and behavioral health is a strategy to increase access to care and improve overall health outcomes. This webinar will feature Jordan Valley Community Health Center. They’ll share strategies to integrate medical and dental care. In addition, they’ll share how they’ve integrated behavioral health into other departments. The webinar will discuss the value of medical and dental integration and strategies to engage the whole health care team. 


  1. Describe strategies to integrate oral health and primary care practice.

  2. Discuss the value of medical and dental integration.

  3. Learn how one health center successfully integrated oral health, primary care, and behavioral health.

Integration of Oral Health Care into Prenatal Health Care and Diabetic Management: A Community Safety-Net Clinic Experience

Live webinar on 12/12/2019

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness

Live webinar on 11/27/18  

National Network for Oral Health Access and National Health Care for the Homeless Council have partnered to present this webinar on oral health and diabetes for patients experiencing homelessness. There is an association between periodontal disease and diabetes. There is a heavy burden of periodontal disease and diabetes for individuals experiencing homelessness due to the barriers they experience to healthcare. This webinar will review the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes, barriers to healthcare, and prevalence of diabetes and periodontal disease in this population. This webinar will also feature health center experiences with treating patients who experience homelessness.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice: Two Health Center Experiences

Live webinar on 8/1/18  

NNOHA is a HRSA training and technical assistance provider for integration of high quality oral health services and primary care practice to increase the percentage of health center patients who receive oral health care. Being that there is a relationship between oral health and general health, NNOHA partnered with the Georgia and Pennsylvania Primary Care Associations to offer a Learning Collaborative on integration of oral health and primary care practice (IOHPCP). This webinar will discuss the lessons learned and experiences from two health centers: Albany Area Primary Health Care (GA) and Family Practice and Counseling Network (PA) in their work to integrate medical and dental.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Integrating Oral Health Into the Patient Centered Health Home

The Patient-Centered Health Home is a concept being implemented through a variety of approaches including full integration, co-location, shared financing, virtual linkages and facilitated referral and follow-up. Health Homes are an important approach for helping to ensure that health center populations have access to comprehensive health care services, including dental care. This presentation describes how oral health can be integrated into primary care systems to improve health care quality and outcomes of the patients we serve, by illustrating promising practices from a health center oral health program. 

Health Literacy: Implications for the Dental Setting

Co-hosted by NNOHA and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU), this webinar shares the implications of low health literacy and discuss ways providers and health care facilities can address office practices to improve patients’ understanding of oral health issues.

American Academy of Pediatrics

AAP has a list of resources and training tools for medical providers to engage in oral health. 

Benefits of Oral HIV Testing in the Dental Chair

This promising practice describes an initiative designed to increase the number of oral HIV testing conducted during a dental examination.

Establishing Dental Treatment Guidelines for Adult Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension Attending Acute Care

This promising practice describes how Choptank Community Health System established dental treatment guidelines for adult patients with uncontrolled hypertension who were attending acute care.

Integrated Care Models Survey Results: Embedded Dental Providers

Integration of oral health and primary care practice is a strategy to increase access and improve health outcomes. There is an emergence of a new and alternative model, embedding a dental provider in the medical clinic. This document summarizes the results of the 2019 NNOHA Integrated Models survey and the subsequent focus group findings.

Integrated Pediatric Health Home Project: A Caries Prevention Project for Pediatric Medical / Dental Patients

This promising practice describes how El Rio Community Health Center instituted an integrated, preventive approach to caries prevention utilizing the pediatric medical and dental professional staff, while simultaneously increasing access to care.

Integration of Oral Health & Primary Care Practice Readiness Assessment

NNOHA has identified common characteristics of Health Centers that successfully integrate oral health care and primary care practice. It is important that CHCs conduct thorough planning and identify their readiness for an integration project. This document serves to assist CHCs in identifying their readiness for integrating oral health and primary care practice.

Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice initiative strives to improve access to early detection and preventive interventions by expanding oral health clinical competency of primary care clinicians, leading to improved oral health. This report describes three components of the initiative and makes the recommendations for designing a competency-based, interprofessional practice model to integrate oral health and primary care. (February 2014)

Oral Health Disparities Collaborative Implementation Manual

In 2005, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supported a pilot study for an Oral Health Disparities Collaborative. The pilot ran from 2005-2006 within four Community Health Centers, with the aim of developing comprehensive oral health care system change, based upon the Planned Care model and evidence-based concepts to generate improvements in measures for Early Childhood Caries prevention and treatment and Perinatal oral health.

Oral Health Integration in the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Environment

This 2012 white paper, prepared to support the work of the Funders Oral Health Policy Group by Qualis Health, presents case studies of four Community Health Centers that have taken steps to have medical and dental delivery systems work more closely together and to incorporate oral health in their quality improvement processes. Drawing on insights from these case studies as well as national literature on this subject, this paper identifies key lessons learned.

Oral Health and Behavioral Health in Patients Experiencing Homelessness

NNOHA and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council developed this publication to bring awareness to the intersection of oral health and behavioral health concerns or cognitive impairment in people experiencing homelessness. The publication will share the impacts of behavioral health illness on oral health and how behavioral health and dental providers can work together to address this intersection in their practices.

This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Oral Health and the Patient-Centered Health Home: Action Guide

This action guide explains the characteristics and organizational factors of pre-identified early adopter Health Centers that facilitated medical-dental integration and the establishment of the Patient-Centered Health Home, along with barriers that hinder this achievement.

Oral Health for Patients Experiencing Homelessness Factsheet

NNOHA partnered with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council to develop this factsheet on oral health and diabetes for patients experiencing homelessness.

Smiles for Life

Developed by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Oral Health, the Smiles for Life curriculum is designed to enhance the role of primary care clinicians in the promotion of oral health for all age groups through the development and dissemination of high-quality educational resources.

Tobacco Cessation in the Dental Home

Co-hosted by NNOHA and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU), this webinar discusses what oral health providers can do to help their patients effectively stop smoking. Participants will learn strategies and tools that address smoking cessation and incorporate culturally and linguistically appropriate patient education.



Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services.  NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.



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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Medical & Dental Integration

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