Resources | Access to Care

There are many partners and allies you can work with to leverage resources and expertise, toward a shared goal of increased oral health access.
Oral Health and Chronic Disease Management for Older Adults

Older adults may experience chronic diseases that have impacts to oral health including diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and cognitive disorders. This publication highlights promising practices from health centers that have implemented programs to support oral health integration to improve chronic disease outcomes. This document was created in partnership with the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.
Partnering with Academic Institutions to Develop Service Learning Programs

This publication updates NNOHA's previous white paper on academic partnerships. Partnerships between academic institutions and community health centers can be a useful strategy to enhance the recruitment and retention of oral health professionals. This publication includes strategies, recommendations, and promising practices from community health centers across the country.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.
A Compendium of Veteran Oral Health Best, Promising, and Emerging Practice Approaches

NNOHA partnered with the American Institute for Dental Public Health to collect current practices to increase access to oral health care for veterans. This guide describes strategies to engage and serve veterans in the community for oral health care.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.
A VIBRANT Approach to Early Childhood Caries in Migrant Children

In this promising practice, Finger Lakes Community Health developed and successfully implemented an innovative multifaceted program to ensure preschool, low income children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers have the ability to establish and maintain a dental home.
Dental Student Orientation Materials

The two sets of PowerPoint slides and an orientation narrative provided for use by Health Centers and other safety-net clinics as part of an orientation process for students who are beginning a clinical affiliation. Attachments are intended to be modified and customized to your health center.
Increasing Access to Dental Care through Public Private Partnerships: Contracting Between Private Dentists and Federally Qualified Health Centers – an FQHC Handbook

This handbook by CDHP provides background on how contracting works, includes a model contract, and offers step-by-step options for implementation.
Strategies to Improve Collaboration Between State Oral Health Programs and Health Center Oral Health Programs

This Issue Brief is intended to help state and territorial oral health programs, Health Centers, funders, policy makers, and other stakeholders recognize and support opportunities for collaboration between SOHPs and Health Centers.
Strengthen Safety-Net Oral Health Programs through State Oral Health Program and Primary Care Association Collaboration

In this promising practice, the Iowa Primary Care Association and the Iowa Department of Public Health’s Bureau of Oral and Health Delivery System collaborated to provide training and technical assistance to safety net clinic dental programs and increase capacity at the PCA and member organizations to provide high-quality, accessible oral health services.
WIC Dental Days of San Luis Obispo County

This promising practice, WIC Dental Days of San Luis Obispo County, is an Early Childhood Caries prevention program focusing on improving the pivotal socio-ecological factors responsible for the development of ECC by increasing risk assessment, parental counseling, behavior modification and goal setting, preventive dental services and case management.
Expanding Scope- The Swedish Community Specialty Clinic

This promising practice describes how Swedish Community Specialty Clinic, working in conjunction with community partners, provides complex oral surgery procedures that safety net clinics are unable to provide for their non-insured and/or low-income patients.
Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services. NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.
