Resources | Clinical Resources
NNOHA Vaccine Administration in Dental Clinics Job Instruction Sheet

NNOHA has worked with health center dental leaders who are engaged in delivering COVID-19 vaccines to develop this Job Instruction resource for dental providers. This tool is intended as a resource to help train dental providers on the new processes of vaccination administration. It is important to note that because each community is different, there is not a one-size-fits-all method for vaccine administration. NNOHA recommends that you adapt this resource based on your specific training needs.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

COVID-19 and PPE – includes tips for spotting counterfeit respirators
The Role of Dental Providers in Vaccine Delivery and Policy Recommendations

This NNOHA publication describes COVID-19 vaccine delivery strategies developed by health centers in states across the country who are utilizing dental providers for vaccine administration. It also highlights policy opportunities to consider for the future that support medical/dental integration and whole-person care in health centers.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
How COVID-19 Spreads – symptoms, frequently asked questions, and prevention
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions – outlines expectations for health centers in emergency response and how to meet the needs of patients
Health Center Resource Clearinghouse – provides resources from HRSA funded National Cooperative Agreement grantees on coronavirus and other health center issues
Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
Rural Health Information – Essential resources, tools, and training to prepare for and respond to COVID-19 in your community
National Health Care for the Homeless Council
World Health Organization (WHO)
COVID-19 Pandemic – situation reports, world-wide statistics, research activities
American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA)
Clinical Practice Resources – provides information for dental hygienists to work safely
Colorado COVID Safety Net Dental Response Project Promising Practices
The Colorado Community Health Network and Oral Health Unit at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment brought safety net partners together to share promising practice in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Environmental Protection Agency
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Health Center & Partner Covid-19 Resources

Below are examples and resources developed by health centers and partners. If you have a helpful resource developed by your organization to submit, please email candace@nnoha.org.
Good Neighbor Community Health Center, Nebraska
Informed Consent for Virtual Services
Informed Consent for Virtual Services (Spanish)
Teledentistry Triage Documentation
Native American Rehabilitation Association
Omni Family Health Center, California
Temporary Dental Site Closure Action Items List
Salud Family Health Centers, Colorado
COVID-19 Triage Screening Procedures
Virginia Health Catalyst Clinical Advisory Board
Patient guidance: What Should I do If I Have Tooth or Mouth Pain?
Webinar Slides & Recordings

UDS Dental Data Trends: The COVID-19 Impact

Live Webinar 9/29/21
You are not imagining the changes you feel. The 2020 UDS Data is now available and reflects the changes and impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All aspects of health centers were affected, but the UDS data reveals that dental programs have been disproportionally impacted in 2020. This webinar will discuss the 2020 UDS Dental Data and the impacts of COVID-19 on health center dental operations and frame the challenges and opportunities going forward.
Speaker: Bob Russell, DDS, MPH, MPA, CPM, FACD, FICD
Dental Providers Administering the COVID-19 Vaccine: Strategies from Early Adopter Health Centers

Live webinar 4/29/21
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states have created emergency orders to allow dentists and dental hygienists to administer vaccinations. This webinar will feature three health centers that are utilizing dental providers to administer vaccines. The health centers will describe their vaccination program models including training, staffing, operations and compliance.
List benefits of using the dental workforce as vaccine administrators
Describe models for utilizing dental workforce for vaccine administration
Learn how three health centers implemented their dental provider vaccine administration programs
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Bridging the Gap: Behavioral Health and Oral Health in Public Housing

Live webinar 11/9/20
Oral health and behavioral health are intimately connected, which can impact health outcomes. Individuals with behavioral health concerns are more likely to have poor oral health. Poor oral health can also result in behavioral health impacts. Individuals in public housing are at risk for experiencing both poor behavioral and oral health outcomes. Dental providers have a unique opportunity during dental appointments to assess behavioral health status and link patients to behavioral health care. In partnership with the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this webinar will review behavioral health data and resources from a recent survey of residents of public housing. The webinar will also highlight how a health center dental program located in public housing integrates behavioral health screening and referral into oral health care.
Saqi Maleque Cho, DrPH, MSPH – National Center for Health in Public Housing
Kristi Thomas, DDS – Central City Integrated Health, Michigan
Review recent data on the behavioral health status of residents of public housing.
Describe how oral health may impact mental health.
Learn how dental programs can integrate behavioral health screenings into care.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Dental Leadership Burnout After 5 Months of COVID-19: A Safe Space to Share and Support

Live webinar 8/24/20
At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, common sources of job-related stress and burnout were acute- the rapid speed at which change was occurring and information overload. Now after five months, job-related stress has become chronic. As health center dental programs re-open, dental leadership faces a new set of stressors that include, but are not limited to, increased financial pressure from administration, provider and staff concerns about safety, patient concerns about returning to dental care, as well as family and community expectations.
Health centers dental programs cannot function well if leadership is unwell. At the beginning of the pandemic, NNOHA presented two webinars on burnout, and it’s time to revisit the topic from a long-term perspective since the pandemic will continue to have long-term impact. Although all are welcome to attend, this session it targeted to dental program leadership, and hopes to provide a safe space where concerns can be shared and coping strategies can be developed. The program will be a combined listening session incorporating a behavioral health specialist to provide support. Attendees should be prepared for open dialogue and sharing of their experiences.
1. List common situations that create work-related stress in dental program leaders
2. Learn to recognize burnout and stress-related behavior
3. Understand the need to step back and engage in self-care
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Health Center School-Based Dental Programs and COVID-19: A Listening Session

Live webinar 8/10/20
As school districts develop plans for the upcoming school year, the ability of health center school-based dental programs to deliver care is unknown. Health centers must be ready to respond to new local requirements and develop new policies and protocols to be able to resume their school-based dental programs. Some programs may not operate this school year. This listening session will provide a forum for health centers to listen and discuss strategies on resuming school-based dental services and share challenges and barriers. This session will be an open discussion that will also identify future training and technical assistance opportunities for NNOHA to help health centers restart their school-based dental programs during COVID-19.
1) Discuss new strategies to resume dental services in school-based settings.
2) Share policies and protocols for delivering care in school-based settings after COVID-19.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Rubber Dam Refresher for COVID-19

Live webinar 7/27/20
The CDC’s Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response states “If aerosol-generating procedures are necessary for dental care, use four-handed dentistry, high evacuation suction and dental dams to minimize droplet spatter and aerosols.” Rubber dams are an effective method to reduce aerosol generation during dental care, however some practices find rubber dam use challenging. This webinar will review the evidence for using rubber dams and review techniques for rubber dam placement and use. The use of the rubber dam is more important than ever to provide quality care and maintain safety.
1. Discuss the evidence-base for utilizing rubber dams
2. Emphasize the importance of reducing aerosols during dental care to reduce the spread of COVID-19
3. Demonstrate techniques for placing rubber dams in various scenarios.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Dental Sealants in the COVID-19 World

Live webinar 7/6/20
In response to COVID-19, health center dental programs must make adaptations to reduce aerosols generated during dental procedures. Dental sealants, one of the most effective methods for caries prevention, has historically been an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP). Prevention of dental decay is still important during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will discuss the rationale for continuing to place sealants in health centers and the evidence base for dental sealants. GC America will discuss how to place glass ionomer sealants while producing minimal aerosols so that children can continue to receive the benefit of dental sealants in the COVID-19 world.
SPEAKERS: Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH (NNOHA), Michelle Wright, RDH (GC America, Inc.), and Bill Maas, DDS, MS, MPH (NNOHA Sealant Improvement Collaborative faculty)
1. Understand the rationale for sealants in the COVID world.
2. Review the evidence base for applying dental sealants.
3. Present a technique for applying glass ionomer sealants without aerosol generation.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
COVID-19 Reopening Dental Clinics Listening Session – Regions 4, 6, and 7

Live webinar 5/22/20
As many states lift stay-at-home orders for COVID-19, dental clinics are preparing to reopen and resume non-emergency dental services. This listening session will give health center dental programs the opportunity to listen and share plans and strategies on reopening dental clinics with their peers. For dental clinics that have already begun reopening, they will have the opportunity to share lessons learned from their experience. These sessions will be an open discussion and are designed to be conversations among colleagues. Please be prepared to share your experiences during this session. This listening session is for HRSA Regions 4, 6 ,and 7 (KY, TN, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, NE, KS, IA, MO). Attendees may also join listening sessions outside of their region if needed.
No CDE will be offered for this listening session.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
COVID-19 Reopening Dental Clinics Listening Session – Regions 1, 2, 3, and 5

Live webinar 5/21/20
As many states lift stay-at-home orders for COVID-19, dental clinics are preparing to reopen and resume non-emergency dental services. This listening session will give health center dental programs the opportunity to listen and share plans and strategies on reopening dental clinics with their peers. For dental clinics that have already begun reopening, they will have the opportunity to share lessons learned from their experience. These sessions will be an open discussion and are designed to be conversations among colleagues. Please be prepared to share your experiences during this session. This listening session is for HRSA Regions 1, 2, 3, and 5 (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, VA, WV, MN, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH). Attendees may also join listening sessions outside of their region if needed.
No CDE will be offered for this listening session.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
COVID-19 Reopening Dental Clinics Listening Session – Region 8, 9, and 10

Live webinar 5/20/20
As many states lift stay-at-home orders for COVID-19, dental clinics are preparing to reopen and resume non-emergency dental services. This listening session will give health center dental programs the opportunity to listen and share plans and strategies on reopening dental clinics with their peers. For dental clinics that have already begun reopening, they will have the opportunity to share lessons learned from their experience. These sessions will be an open discussion and are designed to be conversations among colleagues. Please be prepared to share your experiences during this session. This listening session is for HRSA Regions 8, 9, and 10 (MT, ND, SD, WY, CO, UT, NV, CA, AZ, HI, WA, OR, ID, AK). Attendees may also join listening sessions outside of their region if needed.
No CDE will be offered for this listening session.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19

Live webinar 5/12/20
During this national emergency, teledentistry has become an emerging strategy to continue providing preventive dental care and triage for dental emergencies. During this webinar, attendees will learn from a subject matter expert on effective implementation strategies for teledentistry. Then, three health centers will share their experience in teledentistry during COVID-19 including their lessons learned and specific state regulations. This webinar will be 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Speakers: Dr. Paul Glassman, Dr. Ryan Tuscher, Dr. Jonathan Hall
1. Discuss methods to implement teledentistry during a national emergency.
2. Describe teledentistry and its uses to ensure continuity of care.
3. Learn how health centers have engaged in teledentistry in response to COVID-19.
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Engaging Dental Providers in COVID-19 Response Efforts

Live webinar 4/15/20
NNOHA in partnership with the STAR2 Center is offering this webinar on workforce during COVID-19. COVID-19 has created an uncertain environment for the health care workforce. While some health care workers are working longer hours, others, including dental providers, are being asked to stay at home for their safety. Moreover, many health center leaders are concerned about paying “non-essential” staff given the operational and financial impact of COVID-19 response efforts. Please join us for this upcoming webinar to learn about innovative ways that health centers are engaging dental providers and other “non-essential” clinicians in health center activities during the COVID-19 crisis. Participants will also hear from health center leaders on the issues of furloughing and rehiring staff.
1. Identify alternative activities to engage dental providers in COVID-19 response
2. Explore resources and strategies to support and retain dental providers who are furloughed
3. Apply skills for rehiring mission-driven dental providers for the primary care setting
This webinar was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership (NTTAP).
Teledentistry Listening Session: Responding to COVID-19

Live webinar 4/1/20
National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA), a HRSA funded NCA, is hosting a listening session on teledentistry to support health centers maintain continuity of care in response to COVID-19. This listening session will feature state-specific health center examples and national subject matter experts to share their experiences in teledentistry. It will also provide time for open conversation among attendees to share ideas and ask questions to inform future webinars.
1) Learn the national state Medicaid directors’ perspective on teledentistry during COVID-19.
2) Describe examples from health centers on how to implement teledentistry during the COVID-19 emergency.
3) Share ideas and concerns for teledentistry in response to COVID-19.
Be Kind to Your Mind: Combatting Burnout for Health Care Professionals

Live webinar 3/30/20
In times of uncertainty, it is critical that individuals take time for themselves and prioritize their body and mind! In this 30-minute webinar, Certified Health Coach Emily Bentsen will discuss methods to fight burnout for health care professionals and provide strategies to destress.
Describe strategies to fight burnout in the health care setting
Provide methods to destress during stressful situations
NNOHA COVID-19 Listening Sessions

NNOHA hosted three oral health listening sessions on health center dental programs’ responses to COVID-19.
Regions 8, 9, and 10 (MT, ND, SD, WY, CO, UT, NV, CA, AZ, HI, WA, OR, ID, AK)
Regions 1, 2, 3, and 5 (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, VA, WV, MN, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH)
Regions 4, 6, and 7 (KY, TN, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, NE, KS, IA, MO)
Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services. NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Join & Renew
NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.