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Resources | Practice Management

Customer Service Resources

Clients experience varied levels of service depending on where they present and with whom they interact. This customer service training model and related materials will allow providers to standardize the service they provide to clients, community partners and each other. The model will assist with defining what customer service means, and create standards that are clear and measurable. It will also help strengthen efforts to provide high quality, patient centered and culturally relevant care.

This model was created in 2016, and was adapted from the Multnomah County Library Think Yes! Customer Service Initiative, and Kaiser Permanente’s CARE model in Portland, Oregon.

This training was shared with NNOHA by the Multnomah County Health Department.

Training Overview

This document will provide an overview of the Think YES to Care Customer Service Training Model. Contact information for questions on this training can be found here as well.

Training Set-Up & Preparation

These documents outline the training set-up recommendations for Think YES to Care. It is recommended that the training be completed in 1 day, but can be spread out over the course of a few days, if necessary. The training should take 3-4 hours in total.

Training Modules & Materials

Access the Think YES to Care Customer Service Training modules and materials here.

Dental Program Management Promising Practices



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181 E 56th Avenue, Suite 410
Denver, CO  80216

Phone: (303) 957-0635
Fax: (866) 316-4995

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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Other Dental Program Management Resources

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