Through the collection and sharing of Promising Practices, NNOHA seeks to strengthen oral health programs and promote communication and collaboration between Health Center and safety-net providers to reduce disparities and increase oral health.

The Promising Practices collected by NNOHA have been submitted by members and their organizations. A promising practice can be a service, program, function or process that a Health Center oral health program leads, administers, partners, facilitates and/or supports through collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
NNOHA recognizes that oral health programs have different environments, infrastructure, cultures, availability of resources, local burden of disease and political considerations. Therefore, end-users need to critically assess the promising practice information and adapt ideas and strategies to better meet the needs of their unique Health Center service populations.
While no formula is available that will insure the success of every program, it is possible that approaches that work for some oral health programs can be adapted and tailored to other oral health programs.
Do you have a Promising Practice of your own to share?

Does your oral health program have a great way to integrate oral health into primary care or recruit and retain providers? From simple to major program changes, NNOHA seeks examples of how Health Center and other safety-net oral health providers have implemented changes in their programs to improve the oral health of their patients.
NNOHA especially looks for promising practices within the following categories:
Dental Program Management (Including: Start Up and Expansion, Financial Management, and Health Information Technology)
Clinical Excellence (Including: Quality Improvement, Integrated Care, Risk Management, Prevention, and Age Group-Specific Practices)
Access to Care (Including: Workforce Retention and Recruitment, Access Points, Partnerships, and Providing Services in Rural Areas)
If you have a practice you would like to share please send us an email at info@nnoha.org. We would be eager to hear about your innovative program!

Why not say “best practice”?
The term “best practice” might sound more familiar. However, what is best in a certain field can change over time, with the advancement of technology, techniques and standards. The phrase best practice might also imply that there is a single solution to a given situation, but this is not the case.
Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services. NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Promising Practices