Resources | Promising Practices
These Promising Practices highlight programs that Health Centers and safety-net oral health programs have implemented to run more efficient and effective practices.

Creative Staffing with Professional Volunteers

The Los Angeles Christian Health Center’s dental clinic was started by volunteer dentists. This promising practice outlines the strategies that were implemented to perpetuate and expand volunteers’ capabilities in the face of cutbacks to the budget for staff dentists.
Establishing Dental Treatment Guidelines for Adult Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension Attending Acute Care

This promising practice describes how Choptank Community Health System established dental treatment guidelines for adult patients with uncontrolled hypertension who were attending acute care.
Integrated Pediatric Health Home Project: A Caries Prevention Project for Pediatric Medical / Dental Patients

This promising practice describes how El Rio Community Health Center instituted an integrated, preventive approach to caries prevention utilizing the pediatric medical and dental professional staff, while simultaneously increasing access to care.
Scheduling to Increase Treatment Plan Completion Rates

In this promising practice, the dental department at Clinica Family Health Services in Denver, CO, describes how they used a quality improvement tool to implement a new scheduling template, with the goal of increasing treatment plan completion rates.
Strengthen Safety-Net Oral Health Programs through State Oral Health Program and Primary Care Association Collaboration

In this promising practice, the Iowa Primary Care Association and the Iowa Department of Public Health’s Bureau of Oral and Health Delivery System collaborated to provide training and technical assistance to safety net clinic dental programs and increase capacity at the PCA and member organizations to provide high-quality, accessible oral health services.
WIC Dental Days of San Luis Obispo County

This promising practice, WIC Dental Days of San Luis Obispo County, is an Early Childhood Caries prevention program focusing on improving the pivotal socio-ecological factors responsible for the development of ECC by increasing risk assessment, parental counseling, behavior modification and goal setting, preventive dental services and case management.
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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Dental Program Management