Resources | Workforce
NNOHA Health Center Workforce Survey, Analysis of 2023 Results

This publication summarizes the findings of NNOHA's 2023 Workforce Survey. The survey included over 800 responses from health center dental professionals. This publication describes factors that contribute to job satisfaction and current salary trends (2023).
User's Guide for the Implementation of In-House Dental Assistant Training Programs

This new publication describes strategies for community health centers to implement their dental assistant training programs. These programs can help enhance dental assistant recruitment and retention. They can also build community capacity by increasing the dental assistant workforce.
NNOHA Job Bank

The NNOHA Job Bank is an excellent resource to recruit dental providers and team members. Job postings are publicized on the NNOHA website and in the bi-weekly NNOHA Newsletters.
Salud Family Health Center Career Ladders

Salud Family Health Centers in Colorado created multiple career ladders for their team. This presentation includes descriptions of their ladders and curriculum. The document includes career ladders for dental assistants, pharmacy technicians, dental clinic coordinators, customer service associates, and more.
Disclaimer: These materials were provided by Salud Family Health Center. NNOHA does not make any claims or endorsements about these materials.
NNOHA Community Health Center Workforce Survey: Analysis of 2021 Results

This publication summarizes the findings of the NNOHA 2021 Workforce Survey. The purpose of the survey was to provide information and analysis on dental team member salaries, satisfaction, and recruitment and retention strategies in health centers throughout the country.
NNOHA Community Health Center Workforce Survey: Analysis of 2018 Results

National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA) developed and administered a survey in July 2018 of Health Center oral health providers and executive leadership. The purpose of this survey was to provide information and analysis on oral health provider salaries, oral health provider satisfaction, and recruitment and retention strategies at Health Centers throughout the country. A similar survey was released in 2009 and 2013. The results of the survey are in this document. The intent of this document is to be used by Health Centers to improve their ability to recruit and retain oral health providers and inform Health Centers of the current workforce trends.
NNOHA Community Health Center Workforce Survey: Analysis of 2013 Results

As part of a Cooperative Agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Network for Oral Health Access worked with Baylor College of Dentistry in 2013 to develop and administer a survey of Health Center oral health providers and executive directors. The purpose of the survey was to provide information and analysis on oral health provider salaries, oral health provider satisfaction, and recruitment and retention strategies at Health Centers throughout the country. This paper summarizes and interprets the results of the national survey, updating and expanding upon information provided in the earlier 2009 survey and paper conducted by NNOHA.
Health Centers nationwide face challenges in recruiting and retaining health providers, including dentists and dental hygienists. For this reason, Health Centers are eager to find ways to improve oral health providers’ job satisfaction, such as attracting candidates who are likely to remain at Health Centers, offering competitive salaries and benefits, and providing satisfying work environments. We hope that this paper will be of use to Health Centers that are seeking to improve their ability to recruit and retain oral health providers.
Contracting Resources

Contracting is one of the service delivery methods that may be used to provide and/or increase access to dental care for health center service area populations.
The checklist is to assist health centers in determining if contracting is an appropriate strategy for providing dental services and for planning the implementation of contracting for dental services.
The implementation strategies document includes information NNOHA obtained through interviews conducted with health centers that are sustainably contracting for dental services. We have gathered promising practices from these organizations to assist health centers, both with and without on-site dental clinics, to implement contracting for dental services to increase access to dental care.
Creative Staffing with Professional Volunteers

The Los Angeles Christian Health Center’s dental clinic was started by volunteer dentists. This promising practice outlines the strategies that were implemented to perpetuate and expand volunteers’ capabilities in the face of cutbacks to the budget for staff dentists.
Operations Manual for Health Center Oral Health Programs: Chapter 5 - Workforce and Staffing

This chapter provides helpful tools and resources for tackling the issues related to workforce in Health Center oral health programs.
This resource was supported by NNOHA's HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partnership.
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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Recruitment & Retention